Leaders, staff and pupils create a positive environment in which bullying is not tolerated. If bullying, aggression, discrimination and derogatory language occur, they are dealt with quickly and effectively and are not allowed to spread
Relationships among pupils and staff reflect a positive and respectful culture; pupils are safe and they feel safe
Pupils have high attendance, come to school on time and are punctual to lessons. When this is not the case, the school takes appropriate, swift and effective action.
There is demonstrable improvement in the behaviour and attendance of pupils who have particular needs.
The ABQM-UK Bronze Award supports schools in:
Encouraging leaders, staff, pupils/students and parents/carers to work together to develop a whole school approach to bullying and cyber-bullying
Providing learning opportunities that focus on developing and maintaining positive peer-to-peer relationships
Establishing responses to bullying incidents that are efficient and effective and understood by families, ensuring that attendance is not affected by experiences of bullying behaviour
Ensuring pupils/students with particular needs know what bullying is and supporting them in stopping it
The school meets all the criteria for good in behaviour and attitudes securely and consistently.
Behaviour and attitudes are exceptional.
In addition, the following apply:
Pupils behave with consistently high levels of respect for others. They play a highly positive role in creating a school environment in which commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured, and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated.
Pupils consistently have highly positive attitudes and commitment to their education. They are highly motivated and persistent in the face of difficulties. Pupils make a highly positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school and/or the wider community. Pupils actively support the well- being of other pupils.
Pupils behave consistently well, demonstrating high levels of self-control and consistently positive attitudes to their education. If pupils struggle with this, the school takes intelligent, fair and highly effective action to support them to succeed in their education.
The ABQM-UK Silver and Gold Awards Support Schools in:
Providing learning opportunities that achieve better understanding of the experiences and rights of peers, including different appoaches to learning, different physical abilities and developing effective working relationships with pupils who learn in these ways
Engaging pupils/students in the strategic development of anti-bullying (including the development of lessons and staff CPD) as well as peer-to-peer support for managing incidents of bullying and cyber-bullying behaviour
Encouraging pupils/students who have been involved in bullying incidents to become peer supporters
Supporting vulnerable pupils/students and their families in building the skills and resilience to manage incidents of bullying behaviour and peer pressure
Securing Safety, Mental Health and Wellbeing for All
OFSTED Grade Descriptors for Behaviour and Attitudes
that are addressed by the ABQM-UK Programme
(School Inpection Handbook 2019)